Growth with Sustainability
At Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL), we are committed to a sustainable roadmap in contributing to one of the world’s largest renewable energy expansion programmes along with catering to India’s climate change goals. On 15th October, 2019, AGEL became the privileged signatory of the United Nation Global Impact. This means that we are committed to support the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact in human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Ever since our inception, we have been constantly striving in the arena of sustainability, and proved to be a pace-setter with broad strategic planning. One of the reasons of our excellent performance is indeed due to the incorporation of ingenious sustainable thinking and attitude in all our operations.
ESG highlights
- AGEL avoided 36.7 million tonnes of CO2 cumulatively up till FY 2022-23 and our decarbonization efforts have further realised 3.9 million carbon credits.
- 99.8% less emission intensity per unit of generation (0.0017 tCO2/MWh) as compared to the Indian grid average of 0.71 tCO2/MWh
- 99.5% less freshwater consumption per unit of generation (0.02 kl/MWh) as compared to the statutory limit for thermal power (3.5 kl/MWh).
- 100% workforce engagement in health and safety awareness programmes
- 100% critical suppliers have been assessed on ESG parameters.
- 146.3% human capital return on investment.
- 100% of AGEL’s operating capacity is Single-Use Plastic Free under CII Plastic Protocol.
- 100% of AGEL’s operating capacity is Zero Waste to Landfill certified by Intertek.
ESG ratings
- AGEL ranks 1st in Asia and in the Top 3 companies globally for its ESG performance as per ISS ESG with a B+ Prime rating band.
- AGEL has been ranked among the top 10 companies globally in the RE sector by Sustainalytics with a low risk rating of 13.9.
- AGEL obtained an ESG score of 70 out of 100 in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment in FY23.
- AGEL received A- rating (leadership band) in the CDP climate change questionnaire for FY23.
- AGEL successfully engaged with 91% manufacturing suppliers through the CDP’s Supply Chain Engagement program for FY23. CDP ranked AGEL at ‘A’ in the leadership band in the Supplier Engagement Rating.
ESG indicators

8,275 No of CSR Beneficiaries

2,880 Employment Generation during construction and operation phase

53,437 Employee Training man-hours

4 Million Tonnes Equivalent CO2 saved (Net energy generation - 4346994 MWH, conversion factor - 0.92)
Towards Sustainable Development
Decarbonisation of India’s Power Sector
Adani Green Energy Limited is deeply committed to the decarbonisation of power generation.
AGEL has invested in renewable power projects, including a 1,690 MW project in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan with a capital outlay of USD ~1.8bn, funded in collaboration with 12 international banks and through the internal resources of AGEL.
AGEL has also recently completed the acquisition of SB Energy, a 5 GW renewable portfolio in India with a capex outlay of USD 3.5bn
In total, this translates to a USD 5.3bn in investments in green power and decarbonization, out of the USD 20bn we have pledged to invest in green infrastructure.
Improving Climate Governance
AGEL has achieved an "A-" ranking from CDP and has been placed in the Leadership Band for the first time in FY23. This accomplishment means AGEL has outperformed the Asia regional average, the global average of C, and the Renewable power generation industry average of B. AGEL is among the top 33% of companies that reached the Leadership level in the RE generation sector. The company conducted Climate Change Risk Assessments for all operational locations, considering scenario analysis in line with the TCFD framework. AGEL is also aligning the study's recommendations with its SOPs and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to mitigate climate change risks.
Our Commitment towards Biodiversity
We at Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL) believe that the sustainability of our business is intricately linked with the health of the ecosystem in which we operate. Fortifying our commitment towards biodiversity conservation is a comprehensive policy – the framework of which is under the direct administration of the company’s MD & CEO. One of the key focus areas of the policy is to ensure a minimum of No Net Loss (NNL) of biodiversity in all operations. Further, AGEL became a signatory in the India Business & Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI) on 23rd July 2020. The objective of this initiative is to sensitize and mentor Indian business organizations for biodiversity conservation and enhancement. AGEL is devoted to integrate the biodiversity aspects in its management systems to create a sustainable and positive impact on the surroundings. To this end, the company is currently assessing and mapping the biodiversity at its operation sites and identifying impacts, if any.
Responsible Supply Chain Management
ESG factors are well integrated into supplier selection decisions and priorities are given to cost, time, quality and continuity of supply.
The Contract documents in AGEL ensure Contractors, Sub-Contractors and Suppliers shall comply with policies, codes and guidelines pertaining to ESG requirement, employ management systems for ESG risks and opportunities and commit to continuous improvements, ensure fair terms and conditions of employment for its sub-contractors, employees and personnel, asses and mitigate health, safety and environmental risks and focus on corporate responsibility.
All Suppliers, Contractors and Sub-Contractors are considered as strategic stakeholders of AGEL and AGEL has established specific requirements to be adhered by them in the form of Supplier Code of Contract, which shall form an integral part of contract conditions.
Health and safety, Human rights, Environment, Community, Business ethics and governance and Intellectual Property are some of the guiding principles of AGEL and shall be integral part in its quest to become a 50 GW renewable energy generator by 2030.
No deforestation
At Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL), while we’re totally and consistently committed to bringing about a green transformation from the abundant natural resources, we ensure that any kind of business activities are performed in the most sustainable manner without disturbing the ecosystem.
To plant our vast zero deforestation programme, we’re adhering to strict guidelines whereby we don’t expand or produce on areas converted from High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests and habitats such as peatland of any depth (except where farming practices protect peat), wetland and savannas after 31st December 2015, as defined in the High Carbon Stock Approach Toolkit and IUCN protected areas categories I-IV, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and wetlands on the Ramsar List. Furthermore, we have also been identifying and protecting the High Conservation Values (HCV) lands in and around our sites.